Thursday, July 16, 2015

Silenc is NOT always golden

When I was a teenager my youth group used to play this game called, "Silence is Golden."  One person would say some bizarre sentences like, "The sky is pink. I live in the ground.  The moon is made out of cheese," and then ask if anyone had an inspiration.

I hated this game for a long time until I figured out how to play it.  For those who've never played, I'm not telling you here.  I will say this, I was almost always someone inspiration.  Pretty cool huh? Being an inspiration to people.

There are so many things we all miss about you, Faithie.  Elijah misses you talking to him about the game Minecraft.  He loved hearing you say, "Elijah! Elijah! My sheep are naked!!!"  I still remember that day.  I was sitting on the couch playing on probably my kindle and watching you play Minecraft.  Elijah was in the living room and you suddenly yelled for him.  It made me and Elijah giggle and it was fun seeing your joy.

Trever misses hearing you talk about the Undertaker.  Whenever his music would come on (for those of you who don't know who that is, he is a WWE wrestler), you would come running into the TV room and yell out loud with excitement, "THAT'S MY FAVORITE SUPERSTAR!!"

Daddy misses you running into his arms and saying, "Daddy you're home!"  You were the one who always greeted him first.  It was so sweet watching.

So as you can see from these above we are all missing your voice.  The silence here is not golden or even wonderful. You fought so hard to find your voice over the years.  Before you were diagnosed with autism you only said Mama, Dada, and Yeah.  Towards the end of you life you could speak many words and sentences.  I loved listening to you talk.  I love the way your voice sounded.  It was always music to my ears, your Daddy's ears and everyone who loved you.

There were times when you would say nothing and I miss those too.  When your brothers are fighting like crazy I could count on sweet peace from you. You fought but usually with your fists.  I miss the your silence in the noise and I miss your voice in the house now.  I miss you.

So as you can see Baby Girl silence is no longer golden here.  It's your voice we all miss the most.  When I asked your brothers and Dad what they missed they had no idea I was writing about missing your voice.  This just went to show me how much your voice meant to us.  

What I miss you saying most to me is, "I love you, Me too!"

Oh Baby I bet Jesus is just soaking in your voice right now. He's smiling with joy at all the words you're able to share now.  I'm very glad you have Him to talk to until we come.

I love you Baby, ALWAYS and FOREVER,
Love Always,
Binder Zoo 2007

The Beginning of a girl named Faith

It was a quiet Sunday afternoon when Jamie decided it was time to try for second child. Our little boy was napping in his room.  The day was...